Belayat H. Siddiquee
Professor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Bangladesh
Title: Parapharyngeal tumors: Surgical experience
Biography: Belayat H. Siddiquee
Parapharyngeal space is a complex potential space situated on both sides of the upper neck and contains several vital neurovascular structures. Parapharyngeal tumors are relatively rare, less than 0.5% of head-neck neoplasms. Because of location in a critical space and heterogeneous histological variety, often they impose diagnostic dilemma. FNAC may be difficult and risky. Biopsy may not be possible. Although mostly benign, primary malignant tumors, metastatic lymphnodes, involvement from lymphoproliferative diseases and tumors extending from adjacent sites may also occur. This is a series of 173 such cases in seven years period (July 2008 to June 2014).